Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

Monday, October 28, 2013

It’s Fall!

It’s Fall! At home to me Autumn is really just the time between summer and winter, with nicer than usual days and chillier than usual days, but here it’s so pretty!! And here you can totally see why it’s called ‘Fall’ – everywhere you look you can see leaves flying around on their way to the ground!

The crispness in the air also makes for some spectacular and very bright coloured sun rises and sun sets, which have been amazing! Not to mention the snow on the mountains in the distance is pretty cool to see! It shouldn’t be too long until we have snow here on the ground, although not sure if it’ll be cold enough yet to stick around for more than a day or 2…

One of the first good frosts
One of the many spectacular sun rises
And another, hiding behind the trees
And another...
First glimpse of the snow covered Rocky Mountains in the distance from the house
The frosts are getting heavier, and the temperature much colder (generally colder than our winter at home!), and there are pretty colours everywhere, ranging from purple to green, as well as all of the pine and spruce trees! Not sure if I’ve ever seen a carpet of coloured leaves quite so thick!
Colourful view out a side window
Cute colourful shrubs in the garden
Little splashes of colour from the kitchen window

Part of a leaf carpet
Buddy :)
Some awesome coloured leaves found in the garden!

A serious carpet of leaves!

Awesome sunset!


  1. As much as Aussie weather is great, there are definitely some advantages to having 4 separate seasons! Love the colours :)

    1. Haha yeah as much as I don't generally miss having a 'real' winter at home, it is so pretty with all the different seasons, and they are SO distinct! :) Guess it'd be really pretty colours in spring too, although we won't see them...
